Today is the first day of sunshine for weeks, and we have planted most of our stir-fry garden!

The beans were taking off quickly in the toilet rolls, and the broccoli looking spindly and long and in need of a real environment, so we did it!
Broadbeans - about 4 days after sprouting insidePlanted today:
In middle between 4 stakes: 9 broadbeans seedlings (one hasn't sprouted yet, and may not)
In corners: 12 broccoli seedlings
In front and left sides: 20 bok choy seeds
In back and right sides: 18 coriander seeds
Still to go: 12 snow peas (presently soaking in a water and LS solution)

I have covered most of the seeds and seedlings with the results of my council-clean-up scavenging - old trays, dishdrainers and fridge drawers, to protect the seedlings from birds.

The engineer is not content with my attempt at tying the stakes, so is re-tying them using real knots, and taking a long time about it, too.

Time for some afternoon tea, I think, although he might still be up to his 17th clove-hitch-double-boy-scout-girl-guide knot. I'm sure it will be more sturdy when he has finished, however.