Reading back in an earlier post where I was not sure if I separated the tatsoy out enough, it seems to be quite happy fairly packed.
We enjoyed a tatsoy salad with a dressing of
Olive 0il
Sesame oil
Soy sauce (tamari)
and macadamias - yum!
Now the first of the tatsoys have flowered, they are bolting quickly, time to eat them up. Note to self: next time plant in stages.
Broccoli is looking much better but no heads forming yet.
Broadbeans and Snow Peas growing up but no flowers.
Coriander happy and also shooting up.
Have planted some basil seedlings (from Thursday Markets) in a large pot with some chives, they are happy with the CMC in that pot.
Tonight will try fresh peppermint tea for the first time.
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