Sunday, June 21, 2009


I had to give up on some seeds :-( so bought some seedlings - non-organic :-(

On Wednesday I planted:

Broccoli: Broccolette (at the back) and Green Dragon (at the front).
Today we have returned from a weekend away and one of the broccolette plants is all eaten, the others are fine.


Tatsoi - but I don't think I've separated it out enough.

A few of the original broccoli seedlings have survived and leaves are growing, but still only the two leaves on a long spindly stem. I left them in to see what they do.

The Broadbeans are very happy and about 25cm tall now, the snowpeas are all starting to open up those first few leaves.

We have been having constant rain and it looks like it will continue that way for a few more weeks.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 3

Well after 3 days in the garden the broadbeans are very happy (8 out of 9, the 9th never sprouted). The broccoli are feeble and don't look like anyone else's broccoli seedlings, so I'm trying again in toilet rolls, this time with more sunshine and LS. I've started the snow peas and one more broadbean in toilet rolls also, which I planted on Sunday. They haven't done anything yet.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Planting Time!

Today is the first day of sunshine for weeks, and we have planted most of our stir-fry garden!

The beans were taking off quickly in the toilet rolls, and the broccoli looking spindly and long and in need of a real environment, so we did it!

Broadbeans - about 4 days after sprouting inside
Planted today:
In middle between 4 stakes: 9 broadbeans seedlings (one hasn't sprouted yet, and may not)
In corners: 12 broccoli seedlings
In front and left sides: 20 bok choy seeds
In back and right sides: 18 coriander seeds

Still to go: 12 snow peas (presently soaking in a water and LS solution)

I have covered most of the seeds and seedlings with the results of my council-clean-up scavenging - old trays, dishdrainers and fridge drawers, to protect the seedlings from birds.

The engineer is not content with my attempt at tying the stakes, so is re-tying them using real knots, and taking a long time about it, too.

Time for some afternoon tea, I think, although he might still be up to his 17th clove-hitch-double-boy-scout-girl-guide knot. I'm sure it will be more sturdy when he has finished, however.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Beans at last

The beans are finally sprouting, they took a week to germinate. Broccoli are looking thin and leggy and a few have second leaves now. The toilet rolls are covered in thick mould. :-(

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mouldy Seedlings?

The toilet rolls have developed white fluffy mould on the outside. It has been raining for weeks here, so the air is moist. Hope it doesn't spread mould around the house or cause problems in the garden when I plant them.
The broccoli seedlings have 2-3 tiny leaves and a hair-like root just showing at the base, and the beans haven't sprouted at all yet, but I started to dig one up and it is germinating, maybe I planted them upside down? Next time I will soak them before planting.